Lian Quan Zhen March 15, 16 & 17, 2022 (Postponed until 2023) 9 am - 4 pm (1 hour for lunch) "Fun and Creative with Watercolor Pouring and Blending" All levels welcome Fee: $361 Please use the registration form to mail in payment or Click to pay via PayPal |
Workshop Description: Lian teaches basic techniques such as compositions and coloring, and his unique methods including "Color Pouring and Blending" and "Paint Around (negative painting)". He shows how to mix colors on watercolor papers, as well as letting the pigments painting themselves. Only three primary colors will be used. There are 4-6 demos each day with student practicing in between so that they can absorb and assimilate the lessons. During critiques Lian helps students by touching up their paintings. By the end of workshop, students will be able to finish a couple of paintings, or learn enough techniques to complete them later. Click for Supply List Click for Lian Quan Zhen Bio |