Janelle Johnson
www.janellejohnson.com October 24 and 25, 2022 9 am - 5 pm (1 hour for lunch) "Gracing My Garden" Color Pencil All levels welcome Fee: $186.00 payable to Wanda Boyd Please use the registration form to mail in payment. or Click to pay via PayPal |
Class Description:
The iris are rendered on 11"x14" Arches hot pressed watercolor board or paper. The colored pencils can be any brand listed here: Prismacolor Premier, Lyra Rembrandt Polycolor, or Faber-Castell Polychromos. The atmospheric background is stained with watercolor but you may use any media for the background. If you choose to use watercolor, it will be provided at no charge. The instructor will provide Panpastels for those interested in rendering the background in that medium. If registrants would like to use color pencil for their background, no additional colors than those on the supply list are needed. The instructor will also provide instructions for rendering the background in color pencil or pan pastels. Click for Supply List Click for Janelle Johnson Bio |