November 2019 Workshops
Held in New Classroom at Spruce Creek Professional Center. For details, click here.
NOTE: To register, print and complete the Registration Form.
Questions? Contact Wanda Boyd at [email protected] or 804- 536-1794.
Questions? Contact Wanda Boyd at [email protected] or 804- 536-1794.
Anne Abgott November 4, 5 & 6, 2019 9 am - 4 pm (1 hour for lunch) "Watercolor" All levels welcome Fee: $338.00 payable to Wanda Boyd Please use the registration form to mail in payment. |

Anne is a signature member of AWS,NWS, and 8 other watercolor societies. She recently added SDWS signature to this list with her painting Weyvern View in the current San Diego exhibition. Her book "Daring Color" along with seven DVDs have been very successful, giving her a good reputation for her teaching skills. She is currently launching "Virtual Studio" with 6 online classes and more to come. Anne competes in several International shows every year. She was represented in Canada and Greece in 2018.
Class Description for Downtown Sarasota:
Umbrellas and chairs outside a restaurant on Main Street. The building and cars in the background are simplified and the chairs and shadows have beautiful connected shapes. Be sure to ring all your reds for those beautiful umbrellas. I might suggest a wine bottle or maybe a dog to add human interest.
Class Description for Downtown Sarasota:
Umbrellas and chairs outside a restaurant on Main Street. The building and cars in the background are simplified and the chairs and shadows have beautiful connected shapes. Be sure to ring all your reds for those beautiful umbrellas. I might suggest a wine bottle or maybe a dog to add human interest.
Class Description for the Succulents:
Let's take a boring photo and enhance the color ! Mingle intense pigments to create stunning colors right on the paper. There is a no more beautiful violet than letting opera and cobalt blue do their thing on the paper! Using a value scale you will create a flower by painting only the shadow shapes. When the dark background is incorporated into the dark shadows the painting goes from amateur to artistic. Join me in this exciting unusual vibrant subject! |
Class Description for Comics:
This class will offer you the opportunity to create a painting that is your own, feel free to use the headlines form your local paper, or a paper that has some meaning to you,your family or your friends.Composition is important here even with the comics. Anne will discuss this with you during the class. Bring all of your paints that are red, or yellow, Verditer Blue,Mineral Violet by Holbein and a Brown Madder. Fine line permanent markers, or the new Faber Castell pens that can be filled with your own paint. Watercolor pens if you have them . Remember Anne shares so if you don't have the paint don't panic. Click for Supply List Click for Places to Purchase Needed Supplies |
Janet Rogers
[email protected] November 11-12-13, 2019 9 am - 4 pm (1 hour for lunch) "Watercolor Impressions- from Flowers to Faces" All Levels Welcome Fee: $319 payable to Wanda Boyd Please use the registration form to mail in payment. |
Class Description:
Fresh flowers in the studio will be the inspiration for the beginning of this dynamic workshop – progressing to faces. Through a series of “fun” painting exercises, students will develop a more loose and natural approach – giving them an opportunity to be more spontaneous and expressive in their paintings. With the portrait, we will learn how to express translucent flesh tones, as well as features of the person. Painting children will also be covered as well. Although we will be working primarily with photographs, you may want to bring a camera in case we have someone who wants to pose or if you want to take photos of my work or anything you want to remember. Some students may want to paint just portraits or just flowers, although the demonstrations and instruction are geared to beginning with flowers and ending with the portrait. There will be “helps” for those who feel insecure about drawing. Janet will demonstrate her intuitive approach throughout the workshop and work individually with each student, as well as class instruction. “Show and Tell” sessions will be included so that students can see their progression as well as their fellow students. This is always an invaluable tool. Our goals will be to “see” in new ways – bringing “life” and interpretation to flowers and faces, and also to discover intuitive color and design. Janet will also have some drawings (with photo's) the student can trace if needed. Click for Janet Rogers' Bio Click for Supply List Click for Places to Purchase Needed Supplies |