August Lunch and Learn Conference
The August Lunch and Learn Conference will be held Monday through Friday, August 10 through 14, with five different one-day workshops by five different artists. Each workshop is $89 and includes a boxed lunch.
August 10 - Linda Wokoun, Watercolor
August 11 - Cindy Vener, Acrylic
August 12 - Sue Primeau, Watermedia
August 13 - Kim Minichiello, Watercolor
August 14 - Gene Rizzo, Watercolor
August 11 - Cindy Vener, Acrylic
August 12 - Sue Primeau, Watermedia
August 13 - Kim Minichiello, Watercolor
August 14 - Gene Rizzo, Watercolor
Linda Wokoun August 10 "Positive Flow, Negative Control" 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Masks are required for all classes at Village Art Center All levels welcome Fee: $89 per each one-day workshop payable to Wanda Boyd. Please use the registration form to mail in payment. |
Workshop Description:
Negative painting is one of the essential watercolor techniques for any painter. It leverages the unique properties of watercolor to create loose, luminous washes that can be developed, through negative painting, into representational or abstract subjects. In this class, students will have the opportunity to practice negative painting as well as develop paintings using the technique. The class demo will be based on an English Hawthorne. But students are encouraged to use their own photo reference if preferred. We will begin with loose washes letting color mix on the paper. Once dried we will shift to negative painting to pull the image together. Our goal is to create loose, abstract, wet into wet washes that we will develop into a representational image. If you are new to wet-into–wet painting, choose photos with a combination of simple shapes and a few detailed areas. All watercolor skill levels are welcome. Click for Linda Wokoun's Bio Click for Linda Wokoun's Supply List Click for Covid-19 Information |
Cindy Vener August 11 "Palm Tree Landscape" Acrylic 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Masks are required for all classes at Village Art Center All levels welcome Fee: $89 per each one-day workshop payable to Wanda Boyd. Please use the registration form to mail in payment. |
Workshop Description:
In this one day workshop attendees will work on a beautiful Florida landscape with palm trees and water. Cindy will touch on the concepts of a toned background, color mixing, transparent versus opaque colors, composition, and negative space. Attendees will do a color mixing exercise in the morning, followed by a demonstration, and will complete the painting together with Cindy step-by-step. Click for Cindy Vener's Bio Click for Cindy Vener's Supply List Click for Covid-19 Information |
Sue Primeau August 12 "Watermedia Hoedown" 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Masks are required for all classes at Village Art Center All levels welcome Fee: $89 per each one-day workshop payable to Wanda Boyd. Please use the registration form to mail in payment. |
Workshop Description:
Ever want to create a painting but have no clue what to paint or how to get inspired? Watermedia Hoedown to the rescue. Here’s a project that is all about getting your hand moving and unleashing your creativity . . . all while having fun! This project is easily divided into two parts; the first part is very portable and easy to do while on the go or watching TV. The second part is most fun when in a studio setting so you can pull out all those products you hardly ever get to use. Click for Sue Primeau's Bio Click for Sue Primeau's Supply List Click for Covid-19 Information |
Kim Minichiello August 13 "Painting Boldly with a Limited Palette" Watercolor 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Masks are required for all classes at Village Art Center All levels welcome Fee: $89 per each one-day workshop payable to Wanda Boyd. Please use the registration form to mail in payment. |
Workshop Description:
In this one-day workshop we will be studying color theory and working with a limited palette of five colors. Learn how liberating this can be! You don’t need to have or invest in a lot of paint to create beautiful works. I will cover the painting techniques unique to my process: bold color focusing on water to pigment ratio, value structure, and color temperature. All are important to make images look three dimensional on a two dimensional surface. I will discuss the nuances of different materials, and when is it best to use a particular brush, pigment or paper. This workshop is for beginners to intermediate painters. Click for Kim Minichiello's Bio Click for Kim Minichiello"s Supply List Click for Covid-19 Information |
Gene Rizzo August 14 "Midday Munchies" 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Masks are required for all classes at Village Art Center All levels welcome Fee: $89 per each one-day workshop payable to Wanda Boyd. In addition there is a $7.50 supply fee due the day of the workshop. Please use the registration form to mail in payment. |
Workshop Description:
This workshop is designed around painting "Florida Birds" including this coastal bird of Florida. The workshop is planned for your fun and enjoyment as well as for the instructional value you will receive. All workshop attendees will receive personal attention throughout the entire duration of the workshop. The instructor will supply each attendee an 11" X 15" sketch of the reference on 140# watercolor paper, ready to be painted during the workshop. All attendees will be painting the same image. In the morning Gene will briefly cover general watercolor information as it relates to this particular image. We will begin painting immediately thereafter. In the afternoon attendees will continue painting the subject image using the basic information from the morning session. The instructor will periodically demonstrate areas of the painting and will concentrate mostly on giving personal attention to each attendee during this session. Click for Gene Rizzo's Bio Click for Gene Rizzo's Supply List Click for Covid-19 Information |